Explore the Mysteries of Amethyst

Explore the Mysteries of Amethyst


Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and intuition. It can help one to see the world in a new light, while also helping one to develop their own spirituality.


Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz. It is the most popular and widely recognized quartz gemstone. It is believed that Amethyst is a stone with a profound spirit and brain. It has been used for centuries as a healing stone, and can help one to see the world in a new light, while also helping one to develop their own spirituality.

The word amethyst comes from the Greek word “amethustos” which means “not drunk” or “sober”. This name was given because ancient Greeks believed that amethyst could prevent intoxication. Amethyst has a hardness of 7 on Mohs scale which makes it harder than most other minerals but softer than diamonds and sapphires. Its value depends on its size and quality as well as the color of the stone
Amethyst is a stone that has been used for centuries to help with insomnia, depression, and anxiety. It has also been used to help with pain relief and other physical ailments. Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz. It ranges in color from pale lilac to deep violet or dark grape purple. The name comes from the Ancient Greek word "amethustos" which means "not drunk."
Amethyst can be found all around the world but is most common in Brazil, Uruguay and the United States. In ancient times amethyst was believed to have magical powers and was thought to protect against intoxication because it allegedly never lost its color when wine was spilled on it. Amethyst can vary greatly in clarity from opaque to almost clear so if you are buying one it's important to know what you are looking for.